This 52 years old wooden building stands on a triangular plot.
The space of the first floor was converted and rebuilt into a new restaurant.
The cuts of 200 years old oregon pine are the main elements for the interior design.
The annual rings of each piece of wood are the metaphor of our respect towards
the owners long career in culinary arts.
The facade towards the street has a 9m wide opening which consists of sliding
doors. Therefore customers can move freely in and out of the building and also use
the street as a part of passage.
The counter table is made by joint pieces of oregon pine, each seat is made out of
a solid piece of timber. In the dining area there is space for 10 seats and tables.
Each table is 70cm in width. The last table has a raised floored seating which is
more convenient for customers with accompanying children.
The kitchen is openly viewed from the counter table. Field of view is carefully
controlled by the floor level. It enables the customer to see the cooking process
and enjoy conversations with the chef. It also allows the chef to be more aware of
what is happening on the outside and being able to make contact with people passing by.
Each unique tile for walls, or wooden materials for fitting and flooring are made out
of individual pieces.
However, the tones of color are limited. The warm colors of wood becomes
the main element in making this intimate space.
The reconstruction of the damaged main structure was repaired and reenforced
with quake resisting walls and hardwares.
> blog
プロジェクト名: | レストランいざき |
所在地: | 千葉県柏市明原2-2-16 |
建築設計: | andfujiizaki一級建築士事務所 |
構造設計: | 三原悠子構造設計事務所 |
建築施工: | 本間建設㈱ |
用途: | 飲食店 |
構造: | 木造 |
規模: | 地上2階の1階部分 |
延床面積: | 22.65㎡ |
その他: | ロゴデザイン :いわいえり カウンターイス木材、木製建具:竹屋共栄住宅 タイル材料手配 :アーバンテクニカ 厨房機器 :テンボスバスターズ タイル工事塗装(一部)工事 :友人&fujiizaki 写真 :畑拓 竣工 :2014.7 英訳 :Yuko Maki |